Sunday, August 30
I HATE Melbourne's transport system. Absolutely hate it, dislike it, loathe it despise it, and all the other words that describe a strong dislike.
Because of the damned transport system, Gen and I were unable to climb yesterday. Let's see, I shall trace the events that led up to us not being able to climb. Caught the 12pm 250 bus to the city, and then took a train to Footscray station. Then we sat down in some courtyard to eat our packed lunch among pigeons and seagulls while waiting for bus 414 to come. When it finally came, we boarded and took off with high hopes to Cliffhanger. In the end, however, we kinda alighted at a few stops before the supposed one, and had no other bus to take because there were no more buses that served during that hour. Before we realised that we were at the wrong stop though, we walked around this area full of factories and warehouses by ourselves trying to find the place. Come to think of it, it was pretty dangerous for us haha. But yeah so Gen called Cliffhanger and we realised that we were at the wrong place. Bloody hell, I think we got 'lost' partly because the website's instructions were so vague too. So with a heavy heart we caught the next bus back to Footscray.
So yeah, thats basically the story of how Gen and I didn't manage to climb. Back at Footscray though, we decided to explore the area and discovered many things! Firstly it has a big Vietnamese community. Everywhere I saw Vietnamese shops and restaurants! I felt like I was back at Ho Chi Minh again haha. And while desperately looking for a toilet, we chanced upon this 'shopping mall' (which was more of a sheltered area for shops) thronging with Vietnamese. Went in and found out that the place was like some market, with veggies, fruits and meat being sold. Omg it was sooo crowded! But had a really nice feel to it - very homely. Kinda reminded me of the wet markets back home.. So yeah, after running to the toilet there, we bought some pancakes which tasted wonderful, and ended up buying 4 back to share with our dorm friends. Then we further explored, bought some groceries, and BUBBLE TEA before starting the long journey back to Glenn. Reached home at about 7 plus, had a hurried dinner in the dining hall before going back to our rooms.
Well, I'm still a bit sore that I wasn't able to climb yesterday, but I guess at least now Gen and I know what not to do on our next journey to Cliffhanger. I wonder when the next one will be.. Maybe after my exams during my 2 week break. And by then my climbing gear would've (hopefully) arrived! I miss my shoes and chalk bag!! And my brand new laser pointer that has yet to be used. I can't believe it, its been almost 4 months since I last saw my climbing gear! Man, I really hope it comes soon.
And yeah, that's what Melbourne's transport system is like here. The buses here come at intervals of roughly 20 minutes or so, and sometimes they don't even operate during a certain time. Its especially worse on weekends, when some bus services don't even operate at all. But if they do, they come like twice in an hour if you're lucky, and the last bus is at like what, 4 something? It's really crap. Trains and trams aren't that bad, but they still could be better. I miss Singapore's public transport, I miss it so damn much! Don't take it for granted, people. And don't complain that the fares are expensive because honestly, they're bloody cheap compared to the fares I have to pay over here.
But anyway, it was La Trobe Open Day today! Just got back from exploring the campus grounds, looking at the stalls set up and all. And had a free lunch of hotdogs! Glenn was giving out free hotdogs haha so Gen, Jerilyn and I went to kope. It was nice. Had strawberry jam-filled donuts too. Yum.
Okay so now its back to hitting the books! Stop procrastinating, Rachel. Its not good.
prayed; 11:31 AM
Saturday, August 29
Rachietan's going to climb!
Rachietan's going to climb!
Rachietan's going to climb!
Rachietan's going to climb!
Rachietan's going to climb!
And I'm off, whoohoo! :DD :DD :DD :DD
prayed; 11:20 AM
しあわせです!! (:
Its so late right now but I really want to say this: I'm so. damn. super. happy!! Because I was finally chatting with that stupid woman Dan over MSN just now! And it was for quite some time. We finally had our long over-due catch up session. Could be longer and more productive, but I guess its better than nothing! And now that she has a mini notebook to herself, we can hopefully have more of these catching up sessions. More regularly at that, too.
Anyway it felt really awesome to be chatting with her again, even though it was just over MSN.. I really really miss her so much, and I realised that I'm really out-dated in terms of her life! Like studies, family and <3
Went jogging with Lingchi yesterday! We jogged around the campus grounds. Initially had the grand plan to cover two rounds of the campus, but half way through the first round we were on the verge of getting cardiac arrests and decided to call it quits. Oh gosh, the feeling totally sucks like absolute shit. Being unfit and having your stamina even worse than it has ever been. And to think that I could run 10km without feeling like you're going to drop dead to the ground like a dead fly and die. I don't even think we covered 2km yesterday lah! UGHH I HATE BEING UNFIT!! And now my thighs hurt so much!! Though I really miss that feeling of the accumulation of lactic acid in my muscles. Kinda makes me feel more of the sportswoman that I used to be, and less of a big slob of lard that I am now. Hopefully Lingchi and I will have enough discipline to go running every Thursday from now on.. I want to get my stamina back to where it was last year.
Anyway, RACHELTAN IS GOING CLIMBING TOMORROW!!! I so cannot believe it. After being stagnant and dead for near 4 months, I am finally going to live again. Going to Cliffhanger with Gen! It'll just be the two of us because the rest in the dorm don't want to go. But never mind at least I have Gen and she has me. (: I seriously cannot express in words how excited I am to finally go climbing again. Although I don't have my climbing gear (they're still being sent over) with me, at least I can touch some tiles and yeah, climb! Omgomgomg I'm so really eggcited! Can't wait. :DD
Lastly, while sitting at the dining hall with my dorm mates after dinner, some freaking guy (probably a really childish and bored angmoh) threw freaking rock of some sort at one of the windows of the dining hall and broke it. And because we were sitting at the table nearest to the window, some of the glass shards fell onto my friend. Thank God she wasn't cut or anything. And the sound of breaking glass was so damn loud that I got a shock. It was quite scary, actually.. Gen saw the culprit on a bike, so he probably managed to escape by the time the warden and security guard arrive. Anyway, I think such behaviour is just plain downright childish and imbecilic! I mean like that guy who did it was probably in his twenties, since we're in a university! And he's doing such moronic things like this. Reflects such dim intellect of that poor sod, actually. Funny thing is that he probably doesn't realise it. My friends were wondering why on earth someone would want to do something like that. First probability was that that bugger was a freaking racist. After all, it was just us, the international students, in the dining hall at that time. Second reason would be that the culprit really dislikes Glenn College for reasons unknown. Or maybe he is just a damn troublemaker wanting to vandalise and damage property and ruin the university's imagine right before our Open Day on Sunday. Whichever the case though, they're all just as lame and unjustifiable if you ask me. I just thank God that I've been blessed with a sensible, mature and reasonable mind.
prayed; 12:54 AM
Tuesday, August 25
Semester 1 exams are up in 2 weeks' time. And here I am blogging about nothing in particular, Facebooking, downloading songs and everything else I can think of besides studying. What the shit am I doing! Don't have much motivation to study anything, except for biology. That has always been the case though, me having only the willingness to do biology and nothing else.
I especially don't have the motivation to study chemistry, partly because I dislike my teacher and that the way the syllabus is taught is so haphazard and all over the place that I really can't stand it. Its so bad that when my teacher teaches everything sounds new to me when in actual fact, I've learnt it before and I was able to comprehend the concepts. Then there's physics. I really like my teacher but its getting to the point where my mind's beginning to blank out and refuse to try and figure the concepts out. English is still a waste of time and ink, but I can't do anything about that. I've been getting mostly As for all my tests though, and I also think that its one of the reasons why I can't be bothered that much to mug now. Which is really bad, because I really need to revise! I keep telling myself that but I always end up procrastinating.
I wonder why its so easy to procrastinate than to get down to studying. I wonder why God made things that way.. That its easier to fall into doing something that shouldn't be done while the thing that you're supposed to be doing is more difficult. I guess its just like sinning. But maybe thats what makes life more meaningful. It wouldn't be very accomplishing if all the good things in life were obtained or done easily.
I'm kind of stuck at a cross road now.. Can't decide if I should drop physics or chemistry in Semester 2. I keep hearing that chemistry in Semester 2 is really hard and all, and that makes me want to drop chemistry even more. But if that's the case, I'd be taking Semester 2 physics. Considering the fact that I've never taken physics in my entire school life (ignoring General Science in lower secondary), I'm not exactly full of confidence over continuing physics. Although physics over here is at a much simpler level as compared to Singapore's standard.. I have absolutely no idea what to choose. And I gotta chose wisely! Because I need to get As for all my subjects in order to get into my physiotherapy course next year. Sigh, I hate crossroads.
Maybe God's telling me that its time to get back on track with Him. I've strayed, and the feeling sucks.
"[God] gives you hope where others see defeat, energy when others are exhausted, wisdom when others are confused, and courage when others are fearful."
Amen to that.
Prelims have started for my friends back home.. Makes me gape at how time has flown - it seems like just yesterday that we were mugging (or at least I was trying to) for our promos. And now, they're almost at the end of the JC race. I can't believe it, its going to be over for them soon. I feel so proud of them for making it so far! Its things like this that makes me wish I was back in Singapore giving them moral support and encouragement. Its just different doing it over MSN or Skype. People tend not to take you that seriously. Plus being there in person is so much nicer. I feel more sincere too.
The one thing about being abroad that I absolutely hate is the feeling of detachment from family and friends back home. The obvious reason is that I'm no longer in Singapore to constantly meet up and see them, and neither can I have long chats on the phone with friends like I used to. There's always MSN, Skype and Facebook but like I said, its all different and there's always that barrier of some sort separating us. Nothing's the same. Though I am extremely thankful that there are so many mediums that we can use to remain in contact. And thank God Skype is free. I will die if I had to pay for it which would leave me no way of having video chats without paying. So thank God for Skype. Also, I have absolutely no idea of whats happening in my sunny little island of Singapore. I do know that Ramadan has just started for the Muslims (which made me reminisce about last year when Rai and I would be studying and I'd hide under the table whenever I wanted to drink water so she wouldn't be tempted), and that the Ghost Month is here. But if it weren't for my friends who mentioned it to me, I wouldn't have realised. See, I'm so cut-off from the world!! I miss reading newspapers. I miss being in the know-how.
And Rai? If you're reading this, I'm thinking of you all the time during this time of fasting for you! Especially the fond memories we had last year while mugging for promos. Really miss bugging you whenever it was time to bukak puasar! And I remember asking you how to spell it too, right? Haha love you and miss you loads luv. <3
Anyway, Pris showed me this website that compares Western and Asian cultures. Take a look at it, its really true! And quite funny at that.
Looking forward to school everyday because of some people. Really brightens up my day. (: And I've discovered the wonders of a new Japanese band! Totally love GReeeeN's songs, they're so upbeat and catchy. Should learn to sing them, so I can sing along whenever my classmate sings them. Hahaha (:
Ah okay whatever I've wasted enough time typing this out. Ta for now!
Slogan of Climb On 2009:
If you have never climbed, you've never breathed. If you have never bouldered, you've never lived.
Amen to that too.
prayed; 9:23 PM
Tuesday, August 11
Attended the National Day celebration organised by Singsoc on Sunday at the Davidson room, Pris and I went dressed in red/white! We were one of the very few to go in the proper colour scheme haha. And we had the crescent and five stars stuck onto our shirts as well, courtesy of little ol' me. (: Felt like a primary school teacher cutting out things for an arts and craft lesson lol. Dinner was from some Singaporean restaurant! Had no idea there were Singaporean restaurants here.. All I've seen so far that serve the closest to Singapore food are HK and Malaysian ones. Food wasn't fantastic, though. I think it was because it wasn't hot. But still, it was better than nothing. There was teh tarik and bandung too! Went straight for the teh tarik because the night before I dreamt of it haha. So God answered my craving. (:
This year's NDP was really great! Not sure if its because I kinda miss Singapore and all.. That aside, I truly think it was much better than other years' anyway! It was different.. Not filled with the usual cliche crap. Just when I have to be away. ): Never mind, at least I got to watch it. Anyway, while watching the NDP, I was really really proud of Singapore. Like how we've come so far despite all the odds. I know, I sound super corny and stuff, but if you think about it, its really true! Especially since the days when we had just gotten independent.
Being abroad really changes your perspective on things. When you're away from the comfort of home, the familiarity of the surroundings, culture and people, even the slightest reminder of home hits you I guess. I've definitely become more patriotic than ever, after spending just 2 months plus away. I've never felt so patriotic before, and only when you're living overseas will you feel that way too. I wonder if that feeling will fade away once I go back, though. Who knows..
And you know how people always say that they want to migrate next time and settle down in some angmoh land? My take on that is that my kids are so going to grow up in Singapore. Unless, of course, the country is Japan haha but its not angmoh land. Yeah, so after experiencing life and culture here in Melbourne, I've come to realise that I want my kids to grow up experiencing the same kind of fun and retardedness that I went through when I was schooling. The shit that kids experience here is nothing but booze, booze, booze. Where's the fun in that? Although I don't exactly like Singapore's education system, but for the fun, craziness and retardedness, I'll put my kids through the stress haha. Besides, growing up in an Asian country really sets the foundation of the child's morals and character. People here hardly really have any respect for their elders. Or at least some of the youths that I know don't. And the saddest thing is that they're 100% Asian too, just 'born and bred' in Australia. I've asked myself many times if I would rather be in their position, being brought up in an angmoh land with a nice accent. And my answer each time is no, I do not. I'm happy to be a true blue Singaporean (an atas one at that, according to FB haha).
That aside, I'm glad that Singapore's flag is easy to draw/make! And because of that I have fond memories of drawing and colouring the flag back in my Primary school days. Haha sounds damn dumb right. But can you imagine asking little kids to draw their country's flag thats almost crazy-impossible to draw?
The American flag - so many stars and stripes the poor kid will die from going cross-eyed! Not that I have anything against the US flag, though.
Cambodia's flag - I can't fathom trying to draw that castle in the middle!
Australia - Not that simple either, though I really like that the Southern Cross is on their flag. Just realised it a few days back.
So yeah, I think drawing your country's flag should be part of a kid's childhood. One crescent, five stars. Haha yeah.
Okay, so here are some photos from the celebration:
May God grant me with more tolerance to bear people that annoy me.
Thank God for blessing me with good upbringing. I'm not spoilt (I like to think so), I'm not that rude to my elders, I don't spend money lavishly, I have good manners, good interpersonal skills and I'm pretty grounded in who I am.
prayed; 8:55 PM
Saturday, August 8
Okay this is just some random redundant post but..
Racheltan made Japanese omelette today! At Pris' place haha. Felt hungry so that woman was nice enough to volunteer to make me instant mee goreng, and then she went on to ask if I wanted sunny side up. Then the wonderful idea of making Japanese omelette popped into my mind! I think it's because of Yasuko to Kenji that I'm watching now. So anyway I checked the recipe on the internet, and I attempted at it! Suprisingly it tasted pretty good, nice and sweet haha.
Looks pretty gross here but hey, it was my first try! And it really wasn't that bad, really. :D
Looking through the website where I got the recipe from, I have the ultimate urge to cook again, and in my mind all the grand plans of deciding what to cook next year where flying around my head. I CAN'T WAIT AHHH!! Going to like buy bento boxes from Daiso come year end when I go back, one for Brian, one for Pris and one for myself! I am so going to like make bento lunches for all of us to bring to school, including onigiri, tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette) and (maybe) sushi, if I can be bothered to make it haha. Lovely grand plans, eh? (: (:
Okay Pris and I tried to take a photo to put up here, but we both looked like pontianaks in the photos so we gave up. HAHA such losers we are.
prayed; 1:57 AM
Friday, August 7
Blow wind blow!
It's been super windy the past few days! And I absolutely love it! Apart from my hair being blown everywhere and that it becomes a huge mess everytime I step out of my dorm, that is. But yeah, its been lovely. Hasn't been that cold either, I've been able to wear my green jacket so far, without freezing my ass off. No more heavy black overcoat! Though I do miss wearing it sometimes..
Biology test was easy today! Luckily I guessed the correct answer to one of the questions.. Hopefully I'll get 90% if not full marks lol. :D
Played volleyball after school with Lingchi and Sharon! The Sports Centre courts were booked for some fencing class so we ended up playing on Simpson Lawn. It was really nice, though.. And surprisingly I didn't embarass myself that badly as I had expected to! Ignoring the time taken to warm up though lol. Stupid ball was so hard anyway! My fore arms hurt like absolute hell now. And my left arm is bruised.
Looks as if I have some cancer of the blood right! Ew.
Anyway, here are some photos of the Mt. Buller trip:
Welcome to Mt. Buller! (:
Gen, Sharon, Lingchi and I in the tobogganing park
Neighbours! Bakayaro and Bakasaru (: It was snowing then too!
And one of Kico's baptism..
Lastly, a random picture of one of my take aways from dinner for lunch. Mine and Lingchi's masterpiece (I arranged the artwork, Lingchi just dumped the ingredients in).
Learnt a super corny pick-up line from Gen last night! It goes like this: わたしはきみをすき、でもきみもすき。 And its supposed to mean something like, "I like egg, but I like you too." Its a play on the Japanese word きみ, which means both egg and you. Not sure if both are written like that though, but whatever haha. I think its damn funny!
Yay, Northland with Pris and Phoebe tomorrow after school! Then its Rydges for the next 2 nights whee! Feels like I haven't been to Rydges in so long, though it's only been about a week or so. Haha. Then its study on Saturday, home group in the evening, and Rydges again! Then church on Sunday, hopefully lunch with Cammie and Aunty Mary, then back to Glenn with Pris and NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONS!! Hahaha omg, so eggciting, can't wait!
prayed; 12:16 AM
Wednesday, August 5
Currently on a personal mission to learn Japanese as much as I can right now. Largely due to the fact of my Japanese classmate who's been teaching me almost everyday during class breaks. For starters, I'm familiarising myself with the hiragana chart, and I can proudly say that I recognise the character あ by myself without having to refer to the chart. HAHA wth you loser, I hear you say. Its hard okay!! So many words and they all kind of look the same somehow or another okay.. And after hiragana its katakana. Then after that its kanji which comprises of old chinese characters. Thus begins Racheltan's long and slow journey towards upgrading my status from Japanese-retard to something more decent.
Found out from Gen I can take Japanese as one of my elective subjects next year in univeristy.. That's what she's doing now, and omg my dream is finally going to come true. I'm going to get proper japanese lessons!! よしゃ! I hope that spells yosha (yes!).. Haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get permission to learn Japanese. :DD
This week's chemistry test is over! Think I didn't do that badly.. Though I didn't exactly study for it lol. My last weekend was packed to the brim with activities. Went to Mt. Buller on Saturday for a day trip with my dorm and school friends.. It was super fun. Ended up tobogganing with Gen, Lingchi and Sharon and played in the snow. Made a really hideous snow monster (it was too ugly to be called a snow man), had snow ball fights and took many photos! Will put some up another time.
Sunday was Kico's baptism at her church, so Pris and I didn't go to CrossCulture. I was really glad I went for Kico's baptism anyway.. I felt the Holy Spirit there that day. Started during worship because I felt slightly overwhelmed and teared a little. Then during the baptism when Kico was waiting for her turn, I saw the faces of the other people who were being baptised and I was even more overwhelmed by the sheer sincerity and humility on their faces as they surrendered their lives to God. It was truly humbling. And when it was Kico's turn, I felt so proud of her for taking that step of faith. I just hope that I will be able to set a good example for her to follow as a fellow sister in Christ.
Another biology test on Thursday! Been mugging all night long although the topics tested are things that I did last year and in Cedar. Seems like biology is still the only subject that I'm willing to study so diligently for. Hmm.
Going to die for physics soon. Newtons Law just annoys me. But Mr Watts is staying cute so for that I will try to maintain a positive attitude towards physics. Haha wth right.
Singapore's birthday in 4 days' time!! Can't wait because Singsoc (the Singapore Student Society I think) from my university is organising a celebration party in one of the function rooms in Glenn and Pris and I are going! They'll be screening the NDP and we'll even get the goody bags!! YAY! Heard from Pris that this year's NDP is nice, so I'm really looking forward to it. Being abroad makes you more patriotic, for some reason. I'm really proud to be a Singaporean here.. Haha and never before have I been so excited for National Day to come, and I'm not even getting a day off! Lols.
Still waiting for the box from my parents to arrive.. Its taking eons to come. But for the cheapest postage price, the box was sent via ship (-.-) and will take approximately 5 weeks to reach. It hasn't been 5 weeks yet, but I keep hoping that a miracle will happen and it will reach earlier. Ms Liu's package came today though! She sent over last year's Yangshuo pictures from her camera and the videos that some of the groups made. Looked through them just now, and it brought back so much memories, sigh. Really miss SR, miss the people, the building, the food. Really looking forward to December when I can go back for a visit.
I need to climb!!
prayed; 12:52 AM